Table Clothes

Vellore Central Prison (established in 1830) is a prison in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. It is the largest jail in the district and 2nd largest in Tamil Nadu after puzhal central prison, Convicts sentenced to imprisonment are confined in the jail from various districts of the Presidency as well as from Burma. Many prisoners sentenced to transpiration by the courts of this Presidency are retained when considered physically unfit for deportation to Andaman. The expenditure in the jail is recovered by the value of the convict labour. The chief industry carried out in the jail is weaving. A great variety of clothes of various patterns as well as table clothes, gunnies, choir mats, carpets etc. are woven. The central jail is famous for its carpets. The manufacture was first taught to the convicts by a carpet weaver of Ellore. The fabrics are woven and sold in England. Carpentry, shoe making, iron and brass work and tent making are also carried out. By extreme hard work and good conduct, convicts may earn a remission not exceeding 1/6 of the total period of imprisonment awarded them. There is a small sub jail attached to the central prison to accommodate the remand and under-trail prisoners of this dist. They will be sent to the concerned courts on the dates under Police Escorts. The prison is protected by a live wiring fence. People of significance who were imprisoned here include [†] = died in prison / office

Article Title : Vellore Central Prison
Article Snippet :carried out in the jail is weaving. A great variety of clothes of various patterns as well as table clothes, gunnies, choir mats, carpets etc. are woven. The
Article Title : Mangle (machine)
Article Snippet :use of a mangle obsolete, and with it the need to wring out water from clothes mechanically. Box mangles were large and primarily intended for pressing
Article Title : Rhythm 0
Article Snippet :to her whatever they wished, using one of 72 objects she had placed on a table. These included a rose, feather, perfume, honey, bread, grapes, wine, scissors
Article Title : Table 19
Article Snippet :the cake and hastily covering it up. Bitter and covered in cake, Table 19 changes clothes and moves to Jo's room to smoke pot and talk. Walter reveals he
Article Title : Clothes in Poland
Article Snippet :ownership reserved". In 1879, Matejko published Explanations of Ten Tables of Clothes in Poland, an album gathering information about the works of art and
Article Title : Austrian Crown Jewels
Article Snippet :frontal lily bears a Greek cross. More items are: Precious christening table clothes, robes, candles. Golden baptismal ewers and basins from Spain. An emerald
Article Title : Joint European standard for size labelling of clothes
Article Snippet :size labelling of clothes, formally known as the EN 13402 Size designation of clothes, is a European standard for labelling clothes sizes. The standard
Article Title : History of materials science
Article Snippet :term, sasbestos, meaning inextinguishable or unquenchable.  Clothes for nobles, table clothes and other oven adornments were all furnished with a weave
Article Title : Women in Anglo-Saxon society
Article Snippet : household furnishings, clothing, jewels, and books. Items such as table clothes, bed sheets, and wall hangings were considered women's property because
Article Title : Skadarlija
Article Snippet :of dishes that can be found on the menues, what types of uniforms, table clothes or music are allowed and the knowledge of foreign languages. The entire

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