Plateau A Fromage

Switzerland has a strong and ancestral dairy farming and cheesemaking tradition. The breeding of cattle, sheep and goats for milk is attested in the Neolithic period and, since Antiquity, cheese has been exported from the Alpine regions. The rugged nature of the country makes approximately 80% of the agricultural land unsuitable for cultivation, which is therefore mainly exploited for cattle and sheep farming. This mode of exploitation has forged a large part of the Swiss landscape, in the Alps, the Jura and on the Swiss Plateau. Today, cheese dairies and mountain pastures in Switzerland produce nearly 500 varieties of cheese, not counting fresh cheeses. Most of these, and all the ones very well known internationally, are semi-hard Alpine or Swiss-type cheeses such as Emmental and Gruyère. Dairy products in general are highly appreciated throughout the country, with butter and cream being classic ingredients of Swiss cuisine.

Article Title : Swiss cheeses and dairy products
Article Snippet :that time. As the words Käse, fromage and formaggio come from the Latin caseus and caseus formaticus ("cheese made in a form"), it is likely that the
Article Title : Laguiole cheese
Article Snippet :locally [lajɔl]), sometimes called Tome de Laguiole, is a pressed uncooked French cheese from the plateau of Aubrac, situated at between 800 - 1400m, in the
Article Title : Mounts of Cantal
Article Snippet :2024-04-04. "AOP Cantal - Association des fromages AOP d'Auvergne". Retrieved 2024-04-11. à 09h22, Par Geneviève Colonna d'Istria
Article Title : Aubrac cattle
Article Snippet :The Aubrac or Laguiole is a French breed of beef cattle. It originates on the Plateau de l'Aubrac in the Massif Central in central southern France, from
Article Title : Jean-Pierre Gilson
Article Snippet :Traces 1918–2018. Office de tourisme du Pays noyonnais, 2018. Fromages et vins. Foire aux fromages et aux vins, Compiègne, 2019. Lilles-Nice. WYZ bike Challenge
Article Title : Lyon
Article Snippet :Cervelle de canut (literally, "silk worker's brains") is a cheese spread/dip made of a base of fromage blanc, seasoned with chopped herbs, shallots, salt,
Article Title : List of PDO products by country
Article Snippet :– Page 32 2009 "les fromages à pâte molle à croûte lavée (la croûte subit, au cours de l'affinage, des lavages et des brossages à l'origine d'un goût
Article Title : Valençay
Article Snippet :France. Valençay is situated in the Loire Valley. It sits at the end of a plateau. on a hillside overlooking the River Nahon. Valençay is part of Berry. The
Article Title : Île d'Orléans
Article Snippet :Diane Létourneau, National Film Board of Canada, 1977, 29 min 44 s. Le fromage à l'île d'Orléans, documentary by Léo Plamondon, National Film Board of
Article Title : Swiss sausages and cured meats
Article Snippet :les spécialités fumées et/ou salées, ainsi qu'une grande diversité de fromages "Fleish-und Wurstwaren" [Meat and sausages]. Culinary Heritage of Switzerland

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