Artisanat De Provence

Mazagran is a kind of drinkware usually used for coffee, which is named after the town of Mazagran in Algeria.

Article Title : Mazagran (drinkware)
Article Snippet :made with lemon juice Coupe mazagran en faïence de Moustiers et de Provence, Art de la table, artisanat France Article on Article on USA Today
Article Title : Trench art
Article Snippet :Art (in French) (in French) http://www.souvenirsdelagrandeguerre
Article Title : Mathilde Flögl
Article Snippet : Werner J. (1982). Mardaga, Pierre (ed.). Wiener Werkstaette: Art et Artisanat. Vienna: Christian Brandstätter Verlag & Edition. p. 260. "Mathilde Flögl"
Article Title : Culture of Morocco
Article Snippet :délit de grossesse au Maroc" (in French). 2019-08-24. Retrieved 2019-12-10. "Destination Ouarzazate, entre culture hollywoodienne et artisanat berbère"
Article Title : Ancient Greek crafts
Article Snippet :Poroi de Xénophon, Droz, 1976, pp. 120-131 Francine Blondé, Arthur Muller, "Artisanat, artisans, ateliers en Grecice ancienne: définitions, esquisse de bilan"
Article Title : Minoan civilization
Article Snippet : Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age / Artisanat et artisans en Égée à l'âge du Bronze: Proceedings of the 6th International
Article Title : Hannah Arendt
Article Snippet :started working for the Zionist-funded outreach program Agriculture et Artisanat, giving lectures and organizing clothing, documents, medications and education
Article Title : North Region (Cameroon)
Article Snippet :skilled embroiderers who finish the many textiles produced there. An artisanat at Garoua provides a major outlet for such craftsmen to sell their wares

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Friday 18 Oct 2024 08:43:25